How to stop being poor

beginners savings Dec 18, 2020

Everyone want's to be wealthy.

But the vast majority stay poor their whole life.

Why is that?

Well I've discovered that there's a small but significant stage to pass to go from poor to wealthy.

And it's not as hard as most people would expect.

So what's the phase?

First you have to stop being poor.

Let me explain.

Living week to week is one of the most difficult things you can ever do. It puts stress on almost every part of your life:

  • Your relationships
  • Your career prospects
  • Your health and wellness
  • You travel and adventure
  • Your investment opportunities
  • plus much more

If you're always hitting the bottom of your bank account, then you probably are already very aware of this, so I don't want to dwell here.

Let's get to the solution. And you'll be happy to know that it's actually very simple, and with a bit of coaching, can also be very easy.

It all happens in your mind and in the mirror.

You just need to be the master of a tiny little bit of money for everything to change. I've seen as little as $350 make the world of difference to a broke person. He had just got a couple of grand back from his tax return and called me wanting to lock some away - as he knew he'd spend the lot at the pub or whatever if he didn't.

I took him to the gold and silver shop in Sydney city and he bought a $350 silver bar.

He couldn't spend that at the pub.

His life has never been the same since.

He's got $10,000 in the bank now, and he's not spending it.

So here's the secret to not being poor: You have to be the master of SOME money! Any amount. Even if it's only a special $50 note that you never ever spend.

That's the first step.

That will give you faith that you can be in charge of your money. You have to keep some that you never ever spend.


There are of course a whole lot of other things you have to do to not be poor, as in the image below. But for now, keeping some money is the first step and we can get to the other things in future blog posts.



What to do next:

  • Open a special savings account that you are never allowed to spend. You're only allowed to invest it. And put a regular deposit of a few bucks a week in there.
  • Keep a sentimental $50 note in your bedroom that you never spend. And then add to it every few months when you have extra cash. Never spend it. You're only allowed to invest it.
  • Buy a chunk of gold or silver from the gold and silver shop in your town. And keep it stashed somewhere secret. (this is always a lot of fun)

  • And then keep coming back here for what to do next time.


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Much love,



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